Yangın Zonu : 4 Adet
Bir Hattaki Maksimum Yangın Dedektörü Sayısı : 32 Adet
Maksimum Hat Direnci : 100Ω
Bağlantı Hattı Şekli : İki İletkenli
Ayarlanabilir Çıkış Sayısı : 2 Adet Röle Çıkışı (19-28)...
Yangın Zonu : 8 Adet
Bir Hattaki Maksimum Yangın Dedektörü Sayısı : 32 Adet
Maksimum Hat Direnci : 100Ω
Bağlantı Hattı Şekli : İki İletkenli
Ayarlanabilir Çıkış Sayısı : 2 Adet Röle Çıkışı (19-28)...
UniPOS EN54 2 Zone Fire Panel
The maximum number of fire detectors in a line 32
2-wire connection line
number 2
Such potential, with independent control relay
Light indicator LED
UniPOS 6 Zone Fire Panel EN54
The maximum number of fire detectors in a line 32
6-wire connection line
Issue 6
Such potential, with independent control relay
Light indicator LED
Addressable fire alarm panel 2, wherein each loop loopl to 250 detectors can be connected, total of 250 detectors can be connected. Panels are featured digital addressable detectors can be connected. ...
Addressable fire alarm panel 1, wherein each loop loopl to 125 detectors can be connected, total of 250 detectors can be connected. Panels are featured digital addressable detectors can be connected. ...
4 loopl addressable fire alarm panel, wherein each loop to connect the detector 125, 500 detectors can be connected. Panels are featured digital addressable detectors can be connected. The last occurr...
Followed by a sudden increase in temperature sensing detector in the environment that will occur if smoke starts to wait dumand career takes an action, the alarm works fine. In this way, it helps to r...
Environment on the smoke detector become active case exceeded the threshold causes the alarm to sound. Smoke detector sensitivity can be adjusted by setting low sensitivity, normal-level, high-level s...
FD 7204, Etkileşimli Yangın Alarmı Sistemi IFS 7000'de kaydedilen olayların ses ve LED göstergesi için geçerlidir.
FD 7204 EN54-3 sertifikalıdır. FD 7204 sesi, özel UniTalk protokolü aracılığıyla I...
Adresli sesli/flaşörlü ihbar lambası FD 7204F dahili kısa devre yalıtıcı ve akümülatörlü taban, kayıtlı olaylardaki ses ve flaş göstergesi için Interactive yangın alarm paneli IFS 7002 ile kullanılır....
UniPOS Fire Extinguishing Panel
Fire Extinguishing Control For: 2
An even be connected Max. Number of Detectors: 32
Cable Connection: 2
Resistance: 100 ohms
Type: Balanced
Maximum 15 Control Panel Monitoring
2 Potential Relay Output
The Sound and Light Warning Data
2 Piece of Work 1.2.
FS 5100 - 5200 A - 5200 - FS 4000/5200 with Panel
Interface can be ...
16 ZONE LCD Professional Panels
Setting of parameters for each zone
Automatic Fault Reset
FAZ1 - Phase2 Alarm Option
Smart Time Clock
Test Mode
84 Event Memory
1 Fault Output /...
UniPOS 24 Zone Fire Alarm Panel
24 ZONE LCD Professional Panels
Setting of parameters for each zone
Automatic Fault Reset
FAZ1 - Phase2 Alarm Option
Smart Time Clock
Test Mode
UniPOS 32 Zone Fire Alarm Panel
32 ZONE LCD Professional Panels
Setting of parameters for each zone
Automatic Fault Reset
FAZ1 - Phase2 Alarm Option
Smart Time Clock
Test Mode
UniPOS 8 Zone Fire Alarm Panel
8 ZONE LCD Professional Panels
Setting of parameters for each zone
Automatic Fault Reset
FAZ1 - Phase2 Alarm Option
Smart Time Clock
Test Mode
UniPOS Wireless Fire Power Plant
Number of Devices / regions: 64/15
Radio network parameters
-Frequency: 2.4 GHz
The number of devices found on the network: 64
The number of devices ...
-1 "Open collector" (11-30) VDC / 200 mA
Signal loop (15-30) VDC
Power cycle: (12-30) VDC
Signal loop: 3 Views
Power cycle: 200 MA
Check-in: 1
Check-out: 1
signal loop: (15-30) VDC
Power cycle (12-30) VDC
signal loop: 3 Views
Power cycle: up to 1
Check-in: 1
Check-out: 1
signal loop: (15-30) VDC
Power cycle (12-30) VDC
signal loop: 3 Views
Power cycle: up to 1
nteractive Input Output Module + Isolator + Adapter
signal loop: (15-30) VDC
Power cycle (12-30) VDC
signal loop: 3 Views
Power cycle: up to 1
Input voltage (187-253) V AC, 50/60 Hz
Maximum installed capacity of 120 VA
Output voltage (17-28) V DC
(In the presence of the mains power supply) Output current up to 3.5 A
UniPOS Wireless Smoke Detectors
Supply voltage: (3.2-3.6) V DC
To transmit current consumption: 45 mA
Field current consumption: 55 mA
Task Mode Average consumption: 80 μ A
Response ...
UniPOS Wireless Combined Heat + Smoke Detector
Supply voltage: (3.2-3.6) V DC
To transmit current consumption: 45 mA
Field current consumption: 55 mA
"Task" Mode Average consumption: 80...
UniPOS Optical Smoke + Heat Detector Combined with EN 54
Supply voltage (10-30) VDC
Mission mode current of 120 μ
The current fire situation
8000 or 8000D with base types (8-25) mA
Supply voltage: (3.2-3.6) V DC
The current consumed in the transmission mode: 45 mA
Adoption current consumed mode: 55 mA
The average power consumption in standby mode to "protect": 80 μ A...
Supply voltage: (15-30) V DC, Quest mode current consumption: (4-8) ma
Internal fire detector fire situation: (6-10) mA current consumption in the event of a fire, fire detector, conventional fire a...
Supply voltage: (15-30) V DC Quest mode current consumption: (4-8) ma
Internal fire detector fire situation: (6-10) mA current consumption in the event of a fire detector fire conventional fire alar...
Supply voltage: - Signal loop (15-30) V DC, - Power loop: (15-30) V DC
Quest mode current consumption: - signal loop: 24V DC to 300 u
- Power cycle (2-6) mA current consumption in case of fire: - ...
UniPOS Button Wireless Kırbaş
Supply voltage: (3.2-3.6) V DC
Transmitting current consumption: 45 mA
Current consumption: 55 mA
"Task" Mode Average consumption: 80μ to
Response time:...
Addressable sirens taken IF7000 panel converts the trigger signal audible fire alarm. 110 dB siren is activated and 3 kHz and 3.2 kHz in the power of sound.
Addressable sirens taken IF7000 panel converts the trigger signal audible fire alarm. 110 dB siren is activated and 3 kHz and 3.2 kHz in the power of sound.
Increase UniPOS Heat Detector with EN 54
Supply voltage (10-30) VDC
Mission mode current of 55 μ
The current fire situation
8000 or 8000D with base types (8-25) mA
With base type 800...